  • 期刊

Clinical Characteristics of Oral, Oropharyngeal, andHypopharyngeal Cancers in Northern Taiwan: Preliminary Report



背景和目的:根據國健局的資料,在台灣,口腔癌是第六常見的癌症,而且在男性人口中,目前已排到第四位,口腔癌實為國人健康之一大隱憂。材料與方法:我們收集了57名口腔癌之病患,統計其相關資料,如年齡、性別、原發部位、疾病分期、組織型態及治療方式,並針對第四期的病患評估其生存率。結果:在57名病患中,舌部為最常見之腫瘤部位,最常見的病理報告為鱗狀上皮癌,大多病人在診斷時已為第四期之癌症病患。另外,第四期病患在43 個月內之生存率為64.3%。討論:口腔癌的發生機率依然是居高不下,從過去到現在,男性一直都佔較高的比例,雖然在本院的治療效果似乎比起國際的水準還要高,但我們認為仍有許多可以突破之處,並增加病患之生活品質。(輔仁醫學期刊 2011;9(1):7-14)


口腔癌 頭頸部癌症


Background and Purpose:Oral cancer currently is the sixth most common cancer in all populations and is even in fourth place in the male population of Taiwan. This disease is becoming a great threat to our society and remains a big challenge for all medical professionals. Materials and methods:Fifty-seven patients with oral, oropharyngeal, and hypopharyngeal cancers werecollected from the beginning of our head and neck services at the Shiji Cathay General Hospital.Age, gender, primary sites, disease stages, histological types, and treatment options were recorded. Finally, survival was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Results:Among 57 patients, the tongue remained the most common site of tumor origin. The vast majority of histological types consisted of squamous cell carcinoma (90%). Most cases were found to have stage IV disease(38.6%). Twenty-two cases in the stage IV group were found to have an estimated 43-month survival of 64.3% (standard deviation, 12.3%). Conclusions:Incidences of oral, oropharyngeal, and hypopharyngeal cancers remain high. According to our up-to-date study, we achieved quitepromisingresults, although much work has to be done when facing the disease. (FJJM 2011; 9 (1): 7-14)


oral cancer head and neck cancer


