  • 期刊


Nosocomial Outbreak of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Skin Infection in Neonates: Epidemiology and Management




Background and Purpose: Methicilline-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become an important nosocomial pathogen. The objective of this study was to investigate and control MRSA outbreak in the nursery of a community hospital. Method: During one month (June 30, 2006~July 30, 2006), we conduct a surveillance for pustulosis of newborns in nursery and dermatological illness of health-care workers. Skin and nasal cultures were obtained from health-care workers who have contact with patients. The specimens received microbiological examination and antibiotics sensitivity, were further typed by molecular methods. Results: Three newborns were identified as pustulosis with related time sequence. They were cured by antibiotics treatment. Two of them are proved with culture confirmed MRSA. MRSA where also isolated from three nasal swabs of 29 health-care workers, with 10% prevalence rate. All five isolates were identified by RAPD and PFGE analysis which depicted similar bands patterns. The genotyping of the strains confirmed the health-care worker to newborns transmission. All MRSA carriers were forbidden to take care of newborn and strict nosocomial infection control procedures were emphasized. No additional case occur until the end of August. Conclusion: (1) adhering to standard infection control practice and hand hygiene is essential in newborn nursery. (2) Identification of MRSA carriers among health-care worker using surveillance is important for controlling nosocomial MRSA infection. (3) The genotyping by PFGE can confirm the transmission route of pathogens.
