  • 期刊


Hyperbole in German Plant Fixed Expressions




誇飾 德語 植物 固定語式 生命體 具體化


Plant fixed expressions are commonly used in our daily life conversation. This paper focuses on German plant fixed expressions for the purpose of delving into their hyberbolic usage. The target of hyberbole (Huang 2004) is the theoretical base to work on the data collected from dictionaries, literature, mass media and daily spoken data. There are 1583 German plant fixed expressions collected and the Mandarin counterparts used to compare are 2702 expressions. The outcome shows that German speakers tend to use plant fixed expressions in various hyperbolic contexts, in regard with directly or indirectly related to people, such as 'personal act', 'personal state', 'personality and characteristic', and 'situation', etc. Among them, 'personal state' (32.99%) and 'personal act' (37.82%) are the top hyperbolic uses in German and in Mandarin, respectively. The plant vehicles are favored differently in both languages. While Germans scatter the vehicles for various uses, Mandarin speakers focus on some vehicles. Furthermore, functionalism in German and visualism in Mandarin are proved true in the use of plant vehicles. Plant is around us in the real world. Plant vehicles are used in language vividly, impressively and hyperbolically.


hyperbole German plant fixed expressions embodiment


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