  • 期刊


The Analysis of the Influences of Picture Book Teaching on the Improvement of the College Students' Speaking Ability ---A Case Study in Japanese and Spanish Conversation Courses




The purpose of this study is to analyze the learning effects of the Basic Japanese and Beginning Spanish Conversation Courses in combination with self-designed picture books in stimulating college students' interest in learning foreign languages, inspiring their creativity in producing oral scripts and enhancing their foreign language speaking ability. Questionnaires and in-class oral reflection, the research methods, were conducted by 42 freshmen in the Basic Japanese Conversation Course and 30 freshmen in the Beginning Spanish Conversation Course in Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages. The result shows that using the self-designed picture books in two beginning conversation courses can indeed stimulate students' interest in learning foreign languages, exert their creativity in oral script production, and thereby enhance their oral expression ability in foreign languages. Besides, many participants responded that more cultural-related elements should be added and integrated in the self-designed story books in the future. Based on the results, the researchers suggest that self-designed picture story books should not put too much emphasize on the reading and writing aspects just like general children's picture story books sold on the market. Furthermore, cultural-related elements, the psychological level of young adults' logical thinking and their physical and mental development should also be considered.


教育部(1998)。邁向學習社會白皮書。取自中華民國教育部部史綜合規劃司政策白皮書網址https://ws.moe.edu.tw/001/Upload/3/RelFile/6315/6938/87.03%e9%82%81%e5%90%91%e5%ad%b8%e7%bf%92%e7%a4%be%e6%9c%83%e7%99%bd%e7%9a%ae%e6%9b%b8.pdf (Oct.24,2018)
張汝秀、郭靖于、徳永礼子(文)、Satina Tseng (絵)(2019)。熊の温泉旅行。高雄:張汝秀。
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