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Research on Corruption and Anti-corruption Movement within Indonesian Society (in Chinese)




貪污 反貪污運動 印尼


Corruption is a ubiquitous question. The real level of corruption of one country is hard to measure. But problems such as tardy economic development and inefficient bureaucracy are usually imputed to corruption. The impact of corruption on one country's political and economy development is hard to ignore. Like other countries, corruption in Indonesia has existed since the foundation of the state in 1945. Many scholars noticed this problem and did many researches on this topic. Most of the researches emphasize explanation, explaining how corruption in Indonesia occurs, how corrupt officers steal the money from the people and what institutes governments form to deal with the problem. Those researches enable us to have a further knowledge of corruption issues of Indonesia, but there were little discussion on the activities within the society that aim to fight against corruption. Seemingly, it assumes that this kind of activities never exists and the whole Indonesian society is indifferent to corruption problem. Is it the truth? This paper regards this question as the starting point and I will prove the spontaneous anti-corruption activities exist within the Indonesian society all the time. Thus, the Indonesian people are never indifferent to this problem, and with the establishment of anti-corruption NGOs, its follow-up development deserves more attention while studying the corruption issues of Indonesia.


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