  • 期刊


Effects of Different Plucking Crops on Shoot Characters and Individual Catechins, and the Correlations among Shoot Characters and Individual Catechins in Large-leaf-type Teas


本研究以行政院農委會茶業改良場魚池分場品種保存園內33個大葉種品種(系)茶樹作為材料,於2005年3月至11月間,分為春、夏、秋、冬季進行材料採集,探討農藝性狀、咖啡因、多元酚類、總游離胺基酸、個別兒茶素與總兒茶素含量之變化及性狀間之相關性。由結果得知,不同茶作季節之間,在芽葉農藝性狀部分,第一、二節間徑寬、第一、二葉葉寬及葉綠素含量值均以春季茶作為最大,而以夏季茶作普遍較低。在咖啡因、多元酚類、總游離胺基酸含量部分,僅咖啡因未呈顯著性差異。多元酚類以冬季茶作之275.70mg g^(-1)為最大,總游離胺基酸則以春季茶作之1.78mg g^(-1)為最大。綠茶之(-)-ECG、(-)-EGCG及總兒茶素均大於茶菁。而於不同茶作季節栽培下,除了(+)-C以夏季茶作為最大,其餘個別兒茶素均以春季或冬季茶作為最大,總兒茶素則以冬季茶作為最大。另於簡單相關分析中,大部分芽葉農藝性狀間均有極顯著或顯著之相關。茶菁部分僅(-)-ECG、(-)-EGCG、(+)-C、(-)-EGC、總兒茶素及咖啡因含量與芽葉農藝性狀呈極顯著或顯著相關。於綠茶部分,僅(-)-EC、(-)-ECG、(-)-EGCG及總兒茶素與部分農藝性狀間呈極顯著或顯著相關。


Thirty-three varieties (lines) of large-leaf-type tea planted in the germplasm garden of Yuchih Branch, Taiwan Tea Research and Extension Station were used to investigate the effects of different plucking crops on the shoot characters, caffeine, polyphenol, total free amino acids, individual catechins, and total catechins. The simple correlation coefficients among them were also investigated. The experimental materials were collected in spring, summer, fall and winter cropping seasons from March to November in 2005. For shoot characters, the first and second internode diameters, the first and second leaf widths and chlorophyll contents of spring crop were the highest and those of summer crop were the lowest. As for the contents of the caffeine, polyphenol and total free amino acids, they had significant differences among plucking crops except caffeine. The polyphenol of the winter crop was the highest, 275.70mg g^(-1) of dry matter (DM), while the total free amino acid of spring crop was the highest, 1.78 mg g^(-1) of DM. The (-)-ECG, (-)-EGCG, and total catechins contents of green tea were larger than those of young tea shoot. The content of (+)-C was the highest in summer crop. The total catechins contents were the highest in the winter crop but the contents of other catechins were the highest in spring or winter crop. In the analysis of simple correlation coefficients, most correlations among shoot characters reached significant or highly significant level. The correlations between (-)-ECG, (-)-EGCG, (+)-C, (-)-EGC, total catechins, caffeine contents and shoot characters indicated significant or highly significant in the young tea shoot. Only the correlations between (-)-EC, (-)-ECG, (-)-EGCG, total catechins contents and parts of the shoot characters were significant or highly significant in the green tea.


Large-leaf-type Catechins Plucking crop Correlation


