  • 期刊


Application of the "Situational Representation" Approach via Multimedia in Teaching Classical Chinese Poetry to L2 Students




With the Chinese language's ascent into the world's most important group of languages, ”classical Chinese poetry” has become an increasingly popular course in educational departments related to Chinese language and culture. However, for students learning Chinese as a second or foreign language, it is difficult to appreciate Chinese poems' artistic ambiences (意境) and poets' emotions and aspirations (詩人情志) due to their lack of the target linguistic and cultural schema. Current Chinese poetry teaching materials and methods still traditionally emphasize the explanation and translation of phrases and sentences, which is actually of little benefit in addressing L2 students' difficulties concerning poetry appreciation. This article describes the Chinese poetic theories of ”Implication beyond Literal Meaning” (意在言外) and ”Integrating Feelings and Scenery” (情景交融) as core concepts in effective Chinese poetry reading. Based on these, the article addresses two steps in the cognitive process essential to decoding the poem's implied meaning and hidden feelings and aspiration, which are ”visualizing the poem's artistic conception according to the text” (依詩思境) and then ”revealing the speaker's feeling and aspiration with the poem's artistic conception” (即境悟情). Native speakers of Chinese effortlessly go through these two steps of the cognitive process, as the cultural cognitive schema is inherent in their upbringing. However, L2 students generally find difficulty in accomplishing the initial step of ”visualizing the poem's artistic conception according to the text”, let alone progressing to the second step of ”enlightening the speaker's feeling and aspiration with the poem's artistic conception”. To resolve this problem, the article develops the ”situated representation” poetry teaching method, displaying each poem's artistic concept through a situated animation. By intuiting the concrete setting, L2 students can more effectively approach the poems and accomplish the above-mentioned two steps of the necessary cognitive process. In summary, the ideal teaching strategy of classical Chinese poetry for L2 students emphasizes enlightenment of the artistic concept, instead of detailed explanations and textual research of the poem's vocabulary, thus enabling L2 students to successfully experience poetic appreciation.


經濟部工業局數位學習品質服務中心(2010),「數位學習教材品質規範」,http://www.elq.org.tw/teaching002.php , 擷取日期2012-02-03 。 [Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program e-Learning Quality Certification Center. (2010). E-Leaning Courseware Certification-Specification Clauses. http://www.elq.org.tw/en/elc02.php. Retrieved 2012-02-03.]
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