  • 期刊

Two Types of Pseudo-Double Object Constructions in Mandarin Chinese





In this paper I examine the structure of pseudo-double object construction in Mandarin under the applicative framework (see also Tsai 2007, 2008 and 2009). In addition to the steal-type of pseudo-double object construction proposed by Huang (2007, 2008a), I argue that we can find another tell-type of pseudo-double object construction as well. The difference can be observed from their A- and A'-movement behaviors. I then propose that these two types of pseudo-double construction are structurally similar to two subtypes of the Mandarin passive. The tell-type of pseudo-double object construction is parallel to the adversative/exclusive passive discussed in Huang (1999). On the other hand, the steal-type of pseudo-double object construction examined by Huang (2007, 2008a) is reminiscent of the possessive/inclusive passive. Finally, the similarity between the pseudo-double object construction and the passive construction in Mandarin Chinese not only supports the proposal of a common applicative projection posited in both constructions as discussed in the literature, but also benefits the introduction of the subtypes of these two constructions in teaching Chinese as a second language.


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