  • 期刊


The Relationship between Personalities of Junior-high-school Students and Teacher-Student Interaction


本研究之目的有二:一、瞭解當前國中生與教師間的師生互動關係概況;二、探討師生背景變項及學生人格特質與師生互動關係間的關係。 本研究採取問卷調查法,選取台灣地區(不含離島)的國中二、三年級學生800人爲研究對象,以「師生互動關係量表」、「人格特質量表」爲研究工具。所得資料以統計方法加以分析,主要發現如下: 一、當前國中師生互動關係偏向「影響力」較多,「接近性」中等的情形,若進一步分爲四種類型來看,又以「低影響低接近型」及「高影響高接近型」的互動關係最多;「低影響高接近型」最少。 二、男學生與男教師在互動時,其師生互動關係的「接近性」,顯著高於男學生與女教師,且女學生與男教師在互動時,其間的「接近性」,顯著高於男學生與女教師者。 三、教師與來自高社經地位家庭的學生的「接近性」,較多於來自中社經地位家庭者。 四、學生的五大人格特質與師生互動關係之「影響力」間存有顯著正相關的關係;學生的和善性、嚴謹自律性、外傾支配性及聰穎開放性,與師生互動關係之「接近性」間存有顯著正相關的關係;且以學生人格特質區別師生互動關係類型的正確率爲42.5%。 最後,本研究根據研究結果進行討論,並對教師、學校及未來研究,提出具體建議,供後續實務工作及研究參考。


The main purposes of this study are to (1) investigate the style of teacher-student interaction in the junior high school recently; (2) explore the relationship between personalities of junior-high-school students and teacher-student interaction. This study adopts Questionnaire Survey and convenience sampling to do research. Samples, drawn from Taiwan, include 800 eighth and ninth grade students of junior high schools. As to measurement tools, Teacher-Student Interaction Inventory (TSII) and Personality traits Inventory are both to be used. Acquired data are analyzed and some conclusions of this study are found as follows: 1. Teacher-student interaction in junior high school was high ”Influence” and middle ”Proximity”, and further, the most frequently styles of teacher-student interaction were ”Low-influence Low-proximity”, and ”High-influence High- proximity”; the least is ”Low-influence High-proximity”. 2. SES had negative influences on proximity of teacher-student interaction. 3. There were significant differences on proximity of teacher-student interaction, more specially, interaction of male students and male teachers had higher proximity than male students and female teachers, and interaction of female students and male teachers had higher proximity than male students and female teachers. 4. Personalities of students and influence of teacher-student interaction had significant positive correlations. Agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion and openness to experience of personalities of students and proximity of teacher-student interaction had significant positive correlations, and personalities of students can correctly discriminate 42.5% styles of teacher-student interaction. According to above findings, the researcher also lists some suggestions to the educational authorities and further research.


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吳孟蓉(2010)。探索跨領域教育中師生互動之因素與其影響— 以科技藝術工作坊為例〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2010.00528
