  • 期刊

Humanism in Traditional Chinese Historiography-With Special Reference to the Grand Historian Sima Qian





人文主義 司馬遷 史記 紀傳


The grand historian Sima Qian (135-93 BCE) and his monumental work "Records of the Historian" (Shiji) laid down the foundation of the traditional Chinese historical writing. He not only set the example of the biographical style of historical writing but also set the tone for humanist proclivity for later historians. This paper explores the grand historian's vision of history in writing, in which men rather than events stand at the center of discourse. As well, in his work, men rather than gods retain the most prominent position. What he tried to reveal is the secret of history through men. The grand historian pronounced that human will rather than divine influence had determined the rise or fall of a state. He made it very clear that men created history, and history was humanist. His historical narration amply demonstrates his unshakable belief in the value of man. The grand historian's biographical approach and humanist proclivity, in short, had shaped and influenced traditional Chinese historiography almost without interruption until to the modern time.


Feng, Youlan 馮友蘭 1940 Zhongguo zhexueshi [A History of Chinese Philosophy], (Shanghai: Shangwu yinshuguan, 1940) 《中國哲學史》(上海:商務印書館,1940 年)
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