  • 期刊


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for a Preschooler with Asperger's Disorder


目的:本文報告認知行為治療應用於艾斯伯格症學齡前兒童情緒行為問題治療的過程。 方法:一位五歲艾斯伯格症女童從初診到結案共接受九次評估與治療,歷時三個月,每次治療一小時,一週一次。治療者為兩位臨床心理師,家長為協同治療者。 結果:分析九次認知行為評估與治療過程,案主手足競爭關係有顯著改善,情緒和睡眠問題也顯著減少。結案三個月後追蹤評估,仍維持療效。 結論:本文報告認知行為治療,尤其是應用同理的態度和方法達到認知改變,能成功地使用於治療或預防一位艾斯伯格症學齡前兒童的情緒行為問題。


Objective: This article reported the treatment process for a preschooler with Asperger's Disorder using cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT). Method: A 5-year-old girl with Asperger's Disorder received nine sessions of CBT over the course of three months to alleviate her maladaptive symptoms. Each weekly session lasted for an hour. Two clinical psychologists were her therapists and parents were trained to be co-therapists. Results: The details of the 9 sessions' assessments and treatments were described. The evaluations showed a significant improvement in her sibling rivalry, and decrease in mood and sleep problems. Follow-up assessment at three months after termination revealed that improvement had been maintained. Conclusion: This case study illustrated that CBT, particularly applying verbal mediation to reach cognitive change, can be successfully used to treat or to prevent emotional/ behavioral problems of a preschool child with Asperger's Disorder.


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