  • 期刊


Effects of Body Structure and Mechanical Feedback on Compression Depth and Speed of External Chest Compressions


目的:本研究旨在探討消防員的身體結構、有無回饋裝置對胸外按壓品質之影響。方法:本研究屬橫斷式研究設計,採立意取樣,以新北市政府消防局實際執行到院前緊急醫療救護勤務的73位消防員為實驗參加者(平均年齡為31.7±5.6歲),以施測者身分證編號尾數之奇數、偶數將其分為回饋組(奇)、無回饋組(偶)。兩組人員分別以急救安妮為操作對象執行2分鐘的胸外按壓,胸外按壓之深度與速率可經由自動體外電擊器(AED)測得,檢測結果以獨立樣本t檢定分析回饋組、無回饋組間的胸外按壓深度與速率是否有顯著差異,並以迴歸分析檢定身體結構(身體質量指數BMI、肩寬、掌寬)對胸外按壓深度與速率之影響,統計顯著水準皆設定為α=0.05。結果:BMI較高、肩寬較寬的消防員,其胸外按壓深度優於BMI較低、肩寬較窄的消防員。消防員的BMI及肩寬為預測胸外按壓深度的有效因子。回饋裝置對於消防員胸外按壓深度之提升具有顯著效益。結論:BMI較高、肩寬較寬的急救人員可提供較佳之胸外按壓深度,建議未來在遴選消防員或急救人員時,應優先遴選健康體位(BMI: 18.5kg/m^2≦BMI<24kg/ m^2)範圍內BMI數值較高者和肩寬較寬者。而回饋裝置對於急救人員的胸外按壓深度有所助益,可普遍應用於醫療院所、救護車、以及配置AED的公共場所。


Purposes: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of body structure of firefighters and feedback devices on the quality of external chest compressions. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design and purposive sampling. The participants were 73 emergency medical technicians (EMT) from New Taipei City Fire Department, with a mean age of 31.7±5.6 years. The participants were divided into feedback and non-feedback groups depending on whether the last digit of their ID number was odd (feedback group) or even (non-feedback group). The compression depth and speed of external chest compression data were recorded by Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Pro® after the participants performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on Laerdal Little Ann® manikins for two minutes. The independent t-test was used on the test result. Regression analysis was used to test the effects of body structure (body mass index [BMI], shoulder width, and palm width) on the depth and speed of external chest compressions. The significance level was set to α=0.05. Results: It was found that firefighters with higher BMI and wider shoulders performed better external chest compressions. The BMI and shoulder width of firefighters were effective predictors of the depth of external chest compressions. The feedback device showed significant benefits in improving the depth of external chest compressions. Conclusions: Since firefighters with higher BMI and wider shoulders performed better external chest compressions, it is suggested that in the future, EMTs be preferentially chosen from healthy individuals (BMI: 18.5≤BMI<24kg/m^2) with these characteristics. The feedback device aided in improving the depth of external chest compressions and can be widely used in medical institutions, ambulances, and public places that are supplied with an AED.
