  • 期刊


The Spatial Patterns and Quality of the Core and Periphery Factors in Urban Heritage Tourism


全球的歷史性都市在當前發展上,均面臨了同樣的課題,即如何在全球化激烈競爭的環境下,定義出都市本身永續發展的目標與策略。此類城市的空間規劃者,亟思透過經營管理與行銷策略等方法,使歷史文化都市再活化,讓歷史文化遺產不僅不成爲發展上的包袱,反而爲該都市形成獨特性與相對優勢的資源。歷史文化都市由於具有悠久的古蹟遺產,這些有形與無形的資產所具備的內涵與氣質,往往是其他都市在發展上亟欲尋求卻不可得的。但歷史性城市並非僅一味的透過多樣化與功能提升便可極大化其聚集經濟,毫無規範的歧異度可稱爲混亂,而與空間配置效率原則相牴觸的多樣性,反而會減損聚集經濟的效果。 本文希望透過多樣性與聚集經濟相關理論,分析歷史都市中所構成的多樣性元素的品質面向,及這些元素在空間規劃與營運管理上的相關性,並針對五大策略方向進行探討:其一爲核心、周邊與支援性元素的有效整合,包含類別、權重與空間分派的連貫性;其二爲多樣性元素在空間規劃上的合理效率分配與連貫,包括要素空間模式的運用與元素的連貫性;以及正向交互作用的極大化軸線發展兩個理論;其三討論歷史性都市發展上各相關部門相互支援的效率與協調能力;第四個策略重點在於都市行銷策略的擬定:相對優勢的建立與發揮;以及第五個策略建議探討各元素的經營管理,也就是從市鎮中心管理模式中尋求聚集經濟極大化的方法。


Historical cities in the world now face the same concern: how to establish sustainable strategies, thus to increase competitions both in tourism and economy. Nevertheless, conflicts always occurred between protecting heritages and increasing the strength in urban tourism industry. Previous research showed that only a city with enough economic power has the ability to sustain its viability and vitality in urban tourism, so as to maintain its wish in preserving the historical and cultural heritages. This paper aims to reveal the spatial arrangement for the core and periphery factors, namely the quality of variety, in historical cities. Through gravity model, the connection and accessibility between core factors should be intensified. At the same time, the periphery factors enhance the variety in tourism and the supportive services increase the amenity of staying. The strength of attractiveness for these core factors enables the city the possibility solution in considering its development strategy. Only the customer-oriented based city that can draw in the desired quantity of customers. This research compared a southern historical city. To show that both the quantity of its core and periphery attractions should be increased and also the consideration in creating a more user friendly connection is crucial.


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