  • 期刊


Medical Applications and the Action Mechanisms of Far-infrared Ray


遠紅外線一股被定義爲波長介於5.6-1000μm之電磁波,其中,4-14μm之波段與生物體生長發育息息相關,被稱爲爲生育光線(growth ray),亦爲目前遠紅外線療法所廣泛使用之波段,雖然,遠紅外線醫療器材充斥市面,但其醫療功效及其作用原理對於一般民眾而言,依然披覆著神秘面紗;因此,本論文嘗試閻明遠紅外線之物理性質,並介紹遠紅外線與人體細胞或組織作用之機制,及其在臨床上的應用與療效。 生物體內之分子吸收紅外線可能發生振動躍遷及轉動躍遷,進而產生熱效應及非熱效應。遠紅外線療法與人體最主要作用機制是透過體內分子對於遠紅外線之共振吸收後產生之上述兩種效應達到醫療的目的,其臨床應用包括:傷口止痛癒合、高血壓治療、紓解精神壓力、增進睡眠品質、降低血糖、消除疲勞感、腫瘤之熱治療、產婦尿滯留的治療、治療小兒腸痙攣等,許多新興之主題使遠紅外線療法之應用更加多元化,除了在預防醫學上發光發熱外,也爲主流醫學提供另一扇窗。


Far-infrared ray is usually defined as the electromagnetic radiation with wavelength ranging from 5.6 to 1000 μm, in which the radiation ranging between 4 and 14μm commonly utilized by far-infrared medical instruments is also named as growth ray. The healing effects and mechanism of far-infrared radiation are still not clear to the public although many far-infrared medical instruments have been marketed popularly Therefore, we try to elucidate the physical properties, effects, acting mechanisms on cells and tissues, and clinical applications of far-infrared radiation. Molecules in organism may absorb infrared ray resulting in vibrational and rotational transitions, which cause heat and non-heat effects. These two effects employed in far-infrared ray remedy resulted from resonant far-infrared molecular absorption. Clinical applications include analgesia and skinning over of wounds, hypertension, strain relief enhancing sleep quality, decreasing blood sugar, reducing fatigue, hyperthermia therapy for tumors, urine retention therapy for lying-in women and intestinal spasm therapy for children, Many emerging studies have explored diverse clinical applications of far-infrared ray, which not only make it prominent in preventive medicine but also provide another treatment for traditional medicine.


