  • 期刊


The Magnetic Resonance Study of Patient with Muscular Atrophy


肌肉萎縮是指橫紋肌營養不良、肌肉體積較正常小以及肌纖維變細甚至消失的一種症狀。罹患此病徵的患者,日常生活會嚴重受到影響,進而造成身心的傷害。對於此病症一般臨床診斷除了醫師問診之外,常見輔助檢查中的肌電圖、肌肉活檢及電腦斷層攝影,都伴隨著侵襲性以及輻射劑量的問題;唯有磁振造影(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)是一種不具游離性及侵入性的檢查,與之有相同物理原理的磁振頻譜(Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, MRS)技術更可進一步拓展至分子領域的偵測,能夠提供活體內新陳代謝物的含量變化並可進行藥物動力學的追蹤。本文先針對肌肉萎縮的病理以及常見的病症進行介紹,然後再對應用於此一病症之磁振研究的相關醫學文獻進行分析整理,希望藉由前人的相關研究結果,能提供給肌肉萎縮患者正向的幫助,並可進一步作爲未來臨床診斷上的參考依據。


Muscular Atrophy is a symptom including the dystrophies of striated muscle, decrease in the mass and myofibril of muscle. The daily life of those patients with this symptom were seriously hindered, both of their physiology and mentality usually badly hurt. Except for the diagnostic routine, generally, the electromyography, muscular biopsy, Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) will be used as complementary diagnostic methods. However, the first two are invasive methods, and we must consider about the radiation dose problem of CT method. Among them, MRI is the only noninvasive and no radiation technique. In addition, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) has the same physics principle with MRI, which can be used to probe the metabolites and offer their quantitative changes in vivo. MRS can also help pharmacokinetic follow-up after medical treatment. Therefore, in this article we first introduced the pathogenesis of muscular atrophy and the most common diseases that usually caused this symptom. Then, we also analyzed the MR research papers for muscular atrophy. We hope through these studies will provide positive assistance and reference for future clinical diagnosis of such patients.
