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The Effect of Exercise on Preeclampsia for Pregnant Woman


子癇前症(pre-eclampsia, PE)即是妊娠誘發性高血壓(pregnancy induced hypertension)臨床分類的其中之一,不單只是血壓超出標準值還伴隨蛋白尿與水腫的異常,目前仍是長期影響妊娠期婦女與腹中胎兒健康的潛在性問題之一,情況嚴重則會造成胎兒死亡,而妊娠期間婦女若有肥胖、糖尿病、高血壓等危險因子,則會提高罹患子癇前症的機率。因此,以運動介入的方式來降低危險因子並進而避免罹患子癇前症是本文所要探討的重點。一直以來對於子癇前症之婦女都以消除症狀的作法來處理,如醫療介入:食用低劑量的阿斯匹靈、鈣質補充,或於家中臥床休息。故本研究藉由運動促進健康的觀點,亦藉運動的機制降低危險因子促進妊娠期婦女身心健康。以透過文獻蒐集探討子癇前症的病理機轉,進一步發現造成子癇前症與心臟血管疾病的危險因子近乎相同,且大部分文獻皆顯示以運動介入可明顯降低兩者的危險因子並進而降低罹患率。因此妊娠期間從事適當運動如:孕婦瑜珈、飛輪有氧等,不僅減輕妊娠期所產生的身心不適,還能增加或維持身體體能並降低罹患子癇前症之機率,故妊娠期間從事適當運動是有所助益的。


高血壓 懷孕


Pre-eclampsia (PE) condition, arises in pregnancy induced hypertension, is not only associated with high blood pressure and significant amounts of protein in the urine, but may also affect the health of mother and the safety of the unborn child. Furthermore, pre-eclampsia is also more common in women who have risk factors, such as preexisting obesity, hypertension, or diabetes. Thus, this article focuses on preventing pre-eclampsia by lowering these risk factors through exercise. The treatment for woman with pre-eclampsia had always been reducing the symptoms, such as using low dosage aspirin, calcium supplement, or bed rest. This study has been based on using exercise as a preventative measures to lower the risk factors and increase the health of pregnant women. Studies have shown that the risk factors are almost the same for pre-eclampsia as cardiovascular disease, and most studies have shown that exercise can lower the risk factors, which decrease the disease. Thus, it is beneficial to perform appropriate physical activity, such as yoga or biking, to increase physical condition and decrease the associate discomfort during pregnancy.


Hypertension Pregnancy


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