  • 期刊


Shooting for Gold: A Self-Narrative of A National Trap Shooter




射擊 心路歷程 生涯不定向


In the 2019 Universiade, Chinese Taipei athlete Liu Wanyu won the first gold medal in the history of Chinese Taipei women's national trap team. It was the first gold medal of the Chinese Taipei in the 2019 Universiade. When everyone focused on winning, it is even more shocking to understand the mental process behind the athletes'' outstanding achievement. As for the motto, "One minute on the stage, ten years of practice off the stage." What is the journey Outside the Spotlight? In this research, a self-narrative approach was adopted to describe researcher's own story. From ten years of training experience in shooting to shooting for gild in the 2019 Universiade, the hardship and difficulties encountered by the researcher and the unfairness experience were revealed to probe into the meaning of gold medal. Research topics included: the passion of sport, the reason of being a shooting player, the career development, and so on. Without formal coaches, how did the researcher fight by herself and persist through the unfair suppression. Furthermore, after the fail in the first major international competition in 2018 Asian Games, how did the researcher bounce back and win the gold medal of 2019 Universiade? The meaning of sports competition was exhibited though a self-narrative to value an athlete's experience.


shooting mental processes career uncertaint


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