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Economic Discourse in Cultural Policy: From Elite Culture to Cultural Economy


從1990年代開始,西方與台灣的經驗中發現:文化政策中經濟論述的不斷增強,並與經濟產業政策有密切整合的可能;文化政策所強調的價值從美學、社會轉向經濟價值;文化概念的持續擴大、但邊界的越形模糊;藝術/娛樂、傳統菁英/大眾藝術、高級/通俗藝術、或是公共贊助/商業文化之間的區隔逐漸消弭;文化政策關注的對象從藝術、文化工業擴大為創意產業。這樣的發展趨勢使得文化政策如今成為「非常重要」但也可能隨時被忽略與質疑的政策,而面臨新的矛盾與危機。 因此,本文希望從文化政策的角度出發,進而思索當代文化藝術的價值與概念轉變的問題。本文主要論點在於,隨著90年代末期「文化創意產業」政策的提出,標示出文化政策裡一個轉變的趨勢:從傳統的國家、公民論述轉向經濟論述,在這個轉變的趨勢裡,文化的概念也逐漸由傳統的「菁英文化」轉變為「文化經濟」的概念,背後隱藏著文化藝術在當代社會中,其被賦予的價值已經有很大的不同。


This paper explores the development of 'creative industries' in cultural policy based on the following two perspectives: 1) changing cultural values and 2) the broadening of the definition of the term 'culture'. This paper further highlights policy trends observed in western societies and Taiwan. Such trends include: economic factors taking on increasing importance in cultural policymaking, with the potential to integrate to a significantly greater degree cultural and economic policies; the shift of the focus of cultural policy from aesthetic and social values to economic values; the increasingly blurred definition of 'culture' that is occurring concomitantly with the increasingly inclusive definition of that term. The boundaries between the arts and entertainment, elite and mass culture, and public and commercial culture are disappearing. Under this situation, cultural policy is both viewed as 'very important', while being 'ignored' at the same time. The result is that such policies are currently facing challenges and crises that are quite different than previously faced. Therefore, this paper hopes to rethink the values and concept of culture from cultural policy. The main argument is that 'creative industry' shows an important turn from 'state discourse', 'citizenship course' to 'economic discourse'. In addition, the concept of culture is moving from 'elite culture' to 'cultural economy'. The values of culture have been changed in contemporary society.


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