  • 期刊


Prosthodontic Restoration of Prematurely Lost Maxillary Anterior Teeth Using Composite Resin Artificial Teeth: Literature Review and Report of a Case


廣泛性齲齒、外傷或先天性缺牙常導致上顎乳前齒的過早缺失,而上顎乳前牙的過早缺失,除了對美觀、孩童心理造成影響之外,也可能對孩童語言發展、咀嚼造成障礙;或使孩童因缺牙而養成不良口腔習慣,如舌癖。我們應重建過早缺失的乳前齒以恢復美觀、建立自信、提供功能、以及防止不當發音或不良的口腔習慣產生。現代複合樹脂材料已能同時兼具美觀與強度,並且用來製作人造牙時,亦能有良好的臨床效果。本病例便是利用剝皮式牙冠(strip crown)灌注複合樹脂材料來製作人造牙,以此重建過早缺失之上顎門齒,以恢復病患之美觀與功能。


Premature loss of maxillary primary anterior teeth may result in esthetic interference, difficulty in chewing, tongue thrusting habits, open bite, and deleterious effects on speech. It is necessary to restore patient’s desirable esthetic appearance, reestablish masticatory function, and prevent from abnormal speech and tongue habits. Modern composite resin materials are durable and esthetic and can function effectively when used to fabricate prosthodontic teeth. In this report, we use strip crown and color-matched composite resin to fabricate artificial teeth for a fixed appliance to reconstruct prematurely lost maxillary primary anterior teeth. The result is esthetically pleasing. However, further studies on this type of artificial teeth are needed.
