  • 期刊


Alliance Defense between Taiwan, U.S., and Japan: As an Illustration of Textbook on Historical Writing



檢視台灣與沖繩高中歷史課本的鄉土書寫,很明顯地看出,沖繩社會非常在意台灣的歷史發展,但反觀台灣社會卻對沖繩幾乎是一無所知。 然而,無論從人種、歷史地理、文化、與國防等各個層面,台灣與沖繩社會之間卻存在著緊密的關係。在第二次世界大戰之後,受制於日美安保條約,美軍進駐在琉球。雖然美軍的駐守可以維繫台海與亞太地區的安定,特別是對那些成天生活在中國導彈威脅陰影下台灣民眾的安全而言。但是,美軍的存在也帶來了許多潛在的危機,基地所帯給沖繩社會長期的經濟不景氣令沖繩民眾感到不愉快。另一方面,一旦台灣有事,沖繩也會馬上被卷入其中。換言之,台灣的國家安全是建立在沖繩社會的犧牲上。 諷刺的是,沖繩距離台灣很近,甚至遠超過本土的日本。戰前,有不少的沖繩民眾因為經濟上的理由而定居在台灣。因此,為了台灣與日本的國家安全,台灣政府應該給予沖繩社會經濟上的援助。而為了有效解決沖繩的社會問題,理解沖繩應該是台灣政府一項重要的課題。


Reviewing the senior high school textbook on historical writing between Taiwan and Okinawa, obliviously Okinawa has a strong consciousness on Taiwan society, but Taiwan almost knows Okinawa nothing. There should be a close relationship between Taiwan and Okinawa, including in race, historical geography, culture and national defense. After the Second World War, U.S. army resides on Okinawa because of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty. The existence of U.S. army will be keeping the stability of the Taiwan Strait and Asia-Pacific area, especially the safety of the Formosan who always lives under the missile threat from China. But, the presence of U.S. army, which brings much invisible danger, has made Okinawa Society be depression for a long time and make people living in Okinawa unhappy. On the other hand, if a national emergency happens on Taiwan, Okinawa will be involved into soon. That is to say, the national security of Taiwan is built at the sacrifice of Okinawa society. Ironically, Okinawa is near Taiwan more than her motherland Japan. Before the Second World War, many people from Okinawa moved to Taiwan for the economic reason. Therefore, for national security of Taiwan and Japan both, Taiwan government should give a hand for Okinawa in economic assistance. For resolving the social problems of Okinawa Society, knowing Okinawa should be an important issue of Taiwan Government.


Okinawa Taiwan textbook historical writing alliance defense


