  • 期刊


The Cairo Consensus: Issues, Challenges, and Implications



積極參與聯合國的各項事務與決議已經是國內的共識,但由於我國現階段並非聯合國會員國,因此對於許多聯合國的決議或政策方針常因資訊不足而缺乏深度的了解,例如2008年2月底行政院頒佈了我國第一部《人口政策白皮書》,雖然其內涵包含了我國當前最迫切的三項人口議題-少子女化、高齡化、移民,也參考了聯合國的許多相關決議,然而卻獨缺聯合國在人口政策上最重要的一項決議-即1994年「國際人口與發展會議」會後所通過的『開羅共識』(Cairo Consensus)。基於補強資訊落差的理念,本論文的主要目的即在介紹『開羅共識』的背景、內涵,並評析其所遭遇的挑戰。最後,本論文也將以『開羅共識』所提出之議題與行動方針爲基礎,檢視我國《人口政策白皮書》之可能不足之處,並探究『開羅共識』在台灣社會的適用性。


While getting involved in the activities and policies of the United Nations (UN) has been a consensus in Taiwan, the country is still relatively ignorant of many of UN's policies due to its lack of UN membership. For example, in the newest population policy enacted by the Executive Yuan in February, 2008, nothing about the UN's most important program of action regarding population and development-the Cairo Consensus-was cited, even though some other relevant UN policy announcements were acknowledged. Based on the idea of filling the information gap, this paper aims to introduce the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo, where the Cairo Consensus was proposed. In addition to introducing the background of the ICPD, the issues raised in the Cairo Consensus, the challenges it encountered, and its implications to Taiwan are also critically reviewed and explored.


Potts, Malcolm,Martha Campbell.(2005).Reverse Gear: Cairo's Dependence on a Disappearing Paradigm.Journal of Reproduction and Contraception.16(3),179-186.
Rockefeller Commission on Population and the American Future(1972).Population and the American Future.New York:New American Library.
Sai, Fred T.(1997).The ICPD Programme of Action: Pious Hope or A Workable Guide?.Health Transition Review.4-7,1-5.
ICPD Programme of Action
Financing the ICPD Programme of Action: Data for 2004 Estimates for 2005/2006
