  • 期刊

Multipath Key Exchange Scheme Based on the Diffie-Hellman Protocol and the Shamir Threshold


In the Internet, as well as in any open autonomous distributed systems, threats to secure communications are pervasive. We contribute towards adressing them by proposing, in this paper, a new multipath key exchange approach, which does not rely on any centrally trusted coordinator. This approach is thus suitable for use in distributed systems such as widespread P2P networks or booming wireless mesh networks (e.g., for the Internet-of-Things). We design a new algorithm based upon an extension of both the Diffie-Hellman protocol and the Shamir threshold scheme. In order to overcome man-in-the-middle attacks inherent to the Diffie-Hellman key exchange model, our proposed approach guarantees secure key exchange by exploring disjoint transmission paths and the Shamir threshold scheme. The public key is used as the root of a polynomial of degree k-1, and n points of this polynomial are generated and transmitted from source to destination, each point through a disjoint path. Upon reception of at least k points among n, the receiver is able to reconstruct the complete key. In addition, this paper demonstrates how the disjoint paths constructions and the routing algorithms are designed to work regardless of the network topology.


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