  • 期刊


The Outpatient Behaviors and Opinions of Hormone Replacement Therapy Users in a Community Hospital


本研究目的在探討更年期婦女接受荷爾蒙補充治療的瞭解情形及治療後之主觀意見。研究對象爲某區域醫院之更年期就診婦女,診斷爲更年期障礙、就診至少四次以上,採立意取樣方式,依自擬之結構式問卷以電話訪談進行資料收集,共取得有效樣本147份,以Epi-Info統計軟體進行描述性統計分析。 使用荷爾蒙補充治療的婦女以停經後期者居多;八成以上經醫師建議服用,但真正有更年期不適症狀而服用者只佔35.4%;婦女自覺更年期不適症狀依序爲心悸、熱潮紅、盜汗及失眠;服用後78.9%的婦女感覺症狀改善;擔心治療過程中會得癌症;仍有七成會推薦親朋好友服用。 在尋求醫師的診治過程中,常因短暫的看診時間,醫師無暇詳細解說,近半數的婦女未被告知服藥後可能出現之副作用,對更年期及治療的了解不完整。建議醫療機構可將接受治療個案列檔管理,適切提供衛教諮詢活動與更年期相關問題之諮詢管道,改善婦女對更年期的態度,降低更年期症狀之嚴重性,進而評估更年期醫療化及給予長期治療之必要性!


The purpose of this research emphasize on how much menopause women understand the treatment, HRT (hormone replacement therapy), and their objective experience after being treated by HRT. The subjects of our research are menopause women who seek medical advice from a hospital for at least four times within three consecutive months. By giving them questionnaires phone interview, and pick random sampling we have a total valid sample size of 147. Outcome: most HRT patients are no longer ovulated, and use HRT after recommended by doctors. However, only 35.4% of women, who suffer from clinical manifestations of menopause, were being treated. The symptoms of menopause are: palpitation insomnia hot flushes, cold sweating etc. After treatment, 78.9% of the women have improvement; however, only 51.7% of them know the side effect of HRT. 66.7% of the patients worry about having cancer or being pregnant again. Conclusion and suggestion: almost half of the women were not being acknowledged about the side effect of taking medicine. The hospital should provide those patients a inclusive information about HRT effective hospitalized instructions, filing and some following up checking. The result of this research could offer a guide helping women on HRT treatment.


menopause hormone replace therapy


