  • 期刊


Applicating Threat and Error Management on Air Traffic Control Depend on Human Factors Perspectives


一般運作安全監督(Normal Operations Safety Survey, NOSS),是由受過專業訓練的觀察員,實地跟隨飛航管制組員參與整個管制航程,以蒐集他們在執行航機管制時的正常行爲及情境因素等資料,提供分析飛航管制操作安全的基礎。NOSS計畫最初的研究,開始於2003年由國際民航組織(ICAO)與美國德州大學(UT)的人因工程研究小組合作,並委由國際飛航管制員協會(IFATCA)成立NOSS研究團隊進行NOSS試行規劃及規範之撰擬。國際民航組織已將NOSS列爲未來飛安管理系統上所積極推動的一項重點計畫,建立成爲國際的標準制度加以執行。爲了及早與國際飛安制度接軌,本研究除介紹NOSS的概況外,並分析NOSS與SMS,LOSA,TEM及組織文化、人爲因素其間之交互關係與影響,以探討我國飛航管制單位在未來實施NOSS時所應注意的事項,並提出結論與建議,俾供相關單位參考,使此稽核制度未來能順利導入並達到最大的效益。


Normal operations safety survey (NOSS) is a programme that uses experts and trained observers to collect data about air traffic controller behaviour and situational factors on normal flights control for the analysis of air traffic control operations. In 2003, The initial research and project definition was a joint endeavour between the University of Texas at Austin/Human Factors Research Project and ICAO. The manual of NOSS was wrote by International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations (IFATCA). ICAO endorsed NOSS as the primary tool to develop countermeasures to human error in aviation operations, and made NOSS the central focus of its Flight Safety and Human Factors Programme. The study introduces the methodology of NOSS and reviews related literatures of SMS, LOSA, TEM, organization culture and human factors. The research can provide future users with the key elements of implementation to enhance the function of NOSS.


Air Traffic Control NOSS LOSA TEM


ICAO(2002).Human Factor Guidelines for Safety Audits Manual.
ICAO(2006).Safety Management Manual.
ICAO(2005).Threat and ErrorManagement (TEM) in Air Traffic Control.
ICAO(2004).Monitoring ATC Operational Safety.ICAO Journal.59,14-16.
