  • 期刊


The Study on the Relationship between Personality and Internet Addiction- Example of a Cadets


本研究主要探討軍學校學生的個人特性與網路成癮的關係,以軍官學校學生自尊、自我表現、交流態度以及情緒等個人特性等衡量變項,來探討其對於網路成癮的關係,以及其網路成癮的程度。本研究以分層隨機抽樣方式於四個年級,每年級各抽取25 人。研究發現三年級網路成癮最為嚴重。


This study explored the relationship between cadet’s personality and internet addiction. Personality variable include four concepts: self-esteem, self-expression, exchange attitude, and mood. The data were collected by stratified random sampling. Every grade got 25 students. The results showed that internet addiction is more serious in grade 3.


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