  • 期刊


The Study of Relationship between English Learning Motivation and Difficulties in Listening and Speaking Encountered by Hotel Management Students




This study aims to investigate the relationship between English learning motivation (ELM) and English listening and speaking difficulties (ELSD) encountered by hotel management students. In addition, how the personal attributes of the hotel management students varies with ELSD was discussed. This study conducted a pretest questionnaire by targeting sophomore and senior hotel management students of National Kaohsiung Hospitality College. After a revision of the questionnaire, a formal test was further conducted by targeting the hotel management students from Jinwen and Minghsin Universities of Science and Technology. A total of 243 valid samples were collected. This study used the descriptive statistics to analyze the variable of personal attributes and the Structural Equation Motel (SEM) to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The t-test and single-factor ANOVA were applied to examine the differentiation among variables. Further, a correlation analysis was conducted to observe the relationship between ELM and ELSD. The analysis results show that the attribute of the interviewees receives partial support on ELM and ELSD and ELM is negatively correlated with ELSD. The results of this research can be used as important references for the related hospitality departments to design their English listening and speaking curriculum in the future.


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