  • 期刊


Study on Perception Gaps of Tourism Image between Bloggers and Kaohsiung City Government




The purpose of this study is to discover perception gaps in the tourism image between bloggers and the Kaohsiung City Government. The study collected 93 articles posted on blogs by tourists and city tourism promotions published from November 2006 to February 2008. Based on the classification of tourism image documents and respective attributes, the study compared blog articles with government tourism promotions to ascertain perception gaps between them. Findings indicate that Cijing Island, Shizihwan Bay and the British Consulate at Takao are the most popular scenic spots according to the tourists, while the Kaohsiung City Government tourism promotions mostly focused on Love River, Cijing Island and Lotus Pond. Culture, history and the arts are most highly regarded by both tourists and the city, while the government placed more emphasis on the promotion of festival performances. Public and private transportation facilities, night life and festivals or concerts had the greatest perception gaps. It is recommended that the Kaohsiung City Government emphasize on local characteristics and culture, enhance stories for scenic locations and arrange tour guides to attract more tourists. Aggressive resolution of air pollution and transportation systems issues are also recommended.


林 克 寰 (2004) , 你不能不知道的部落格。2007/02/16 , 取自http://jedi.org/blog/archives/003856.html#entry
高 雄 市 政 府 (2006) , 打造S.H.E 的優質城市。2008/02/16 , 取自http://kaohsiungwalking.kcg.gov.tw/2005/chinese/default.asp
高雄市政府(2008) , 2008 高雄觀光年正式起跑。2008/02/13 , 取自http://www.kcg.gov.tw/news/news_detail.php?storyid=3895
創 世 紀 (2007) , 部落格經營傾向與滿意度調查。2008/02/12 , 取自http://www.insightxplorer.com/specialtopic/self_blog200711.html
程樂華、陳侃(2003),個人Blog 心理層面的存在價值。2008/02/20,取自http://jpkc.yzcit.cn/web/Article/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=82


