  • 期刊


The Promotion of Hydrogen Production in Peanut Shells via Batch Tests and Series Connected Two-stage Reactors


本研究將利用每年大量產生的農業廢棄物花生殼作爲基質,以了解這類基質厭氧醱酵產氫的可行性及最佳的產氫操作條件。本研究必先設法提高這類基質的水解效率,才得以進行後續的醱酵產氫反應,因此本研究由所購得的3株Bacillus subtilis菌種作爲水解菌,再以馴養的醱酵產氫菌做爲產氫菌,進行一連串的批次試驗及水解串連醱酵產氫的二段式反應槽連續流試驗,以評估花生殼之厭氧產氫可行性。本研究以水解SBR反應槽串聯醱酵產氫CSTR反應槽,前段SBR反應槽之總循序時間爲9hr、起始pH爲7.0時,有最佳的水解效率,溶解性COD增加率爲30.8%;而後段CSTR反應槽之pH爲5.25,HRT爲18hrs時有最佳每克COD及單位體積反應槽產氫率爲2.41mmole-H2/g-COD(下標 in)及21.3mmole-H2/L•day。其產氫量比單段反應槽之醱酵產氫率較佳,可得知花生殼基質經由SBR水解後,可以有效提升產氫率,且花生殼廢棄物取得容易,所以利用花生殼基質來產氫的可行性高。


水解 厭氧醱酵產氫 花生殼 SBR CSTR 批次試驗


This study examines the feasibility of producing fermentative hydrogenesis from peanut shells in agricultural waste and the conditions for optimal operation, which first requires the hydrolization for the substrate to be promoted before conducting fermentative hydrogenic reaction. Therefore, this study used three strains of Bacillus subtilis as the hydrolytic bacteria, in conjunction with the fermentative hydrogenic bacteria cultivated in our lab. A series of batch-type tests and continuous input tests of two-stage reactors were conducted for hydrolysis and fermentative hydrogenesis.In the continuous input tests of two-stage reactors, when the total progressive time of pre-stage aerobic SBR was 9 h and the initial pH was 7.0, the best hydrolysis was attained with the increase of soluble COD of up to 30.8%. The pH of post-stage CSTR was 5.25, and HRT was 18 h, the best hydrogen production regarding per gram influent COD, 2.41 mmole-H2/g-COD(subscript in), and hydrogen production of per unit volume reactor, 21.3 mmole-H2/L daily was obtained, respectively.Hydrogen production of the two-stage reactors in this study was significantly higher than that of a single-stage reactor. The peanut shell substrate hydrolysis can be enhanced effectively by the SBR to promote hydrogen production, and peanut shells are available everywhere. Therefore, peanut shells are a feasible solution for hydrogenesis.


