  • 期刊


Poetic Perspectives of Ouyang Hsiu on the Meaning of Anxiety


歐陽修並非僅是我們所認識的古文和政治上的北宋大家,反隱藏了更深刻的複雜性,此乃目前學界甚少注意者。本文研究將論及經典的「無我」特質,此亦關乎經典文化的傳播特性。而生處在如此無可翻覆的強大經典籠罩下,宋人如何由其焦慮的意義(the meaning of anxiety)中,轉化出新意?以上著重在作者層面的探討。復次,歐陽修對於文學評價之問題,似曾有矛盾,此牽涉到讀者獨創性之問題。同時也關係到歐陽修與梅堯臣之間特殊的關係,細究歷史,將發現梅堯臣似是被歐陽修發現的詩人,歐陽修如同喬木,牽起絲蘿,故疑:什麼是真正的梅堯臣?梅氏真正的聲音在哪?並述及歐陽修關於文學主客觀的矛盾判斷,乃至歐陽修在當時引起話題的特殊好惡等。歐陽修在政治、人際和文學上之關係,皆表現出寬和敦厚的風範,然歐陽修實隱藏了深刻複雜,只要細究歷史和文學文獻,確可發現其「文化多面」。


焦慮的意義 歐陽修 梅堯臣


Ouyang Hsiu, the Northern Soong Dynasty master best known through his historical prose written in classical Chinese literary style and as a political figure, was characterized by a profound complexity which few in academia have yet noticed. In this study, the quality of classical ”selflessness,” also related to the characteristics for transmitting classical culture, is explored and discussed. One of my research questions can be stated as follows: Under the premise of living under such extensive classical coverage with no opportunity for significant change, how did the subjects of the Soong Dynasty manage to transform the meaning of anxiety into something new? Concurrently, the special relationship between Ouyang and Mei Yao-Chen is examined, as well as contradictory judgments between the subjective and objective literary perceptions relating to Ouyang and the potential impact of preference or abhorrence toward the topics that he initiated. Ouyang seemed to be contradictory with regard to literary criticism and evaluation involving issues of the reader’s originality. Through meticulous historical study, one can discover that Mei appears to be a poet whom Ouyang discovered. Moreover, Ouyang can be compared to an arbor which allows and even breeds lesser vegetation. Hence, additional questions arise: Who was the real Mei Yao-Chen, and where was his real voice of conscience? As for the interrelationships cast by Ouyang in the domains of politics, interpersonal relations and literature, his style has thus far been perceived and evaluated as broadminded, honest and sincere. Nonetheless, Ouyang actually concealed a profound inner complexity. Therefore, it is only through a meticulous study of Chinese history as well as literature that Ouyang's purported ”cultural multiplicity” can be discovered. Such discovery is the aim of my research.


meaning of anxiety Ouyang Hsiu Mei Yao-Chen


