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Remedial Instruction for Japanese Language Low Achievement Students


近年來教育學者不斷提出教育改革的呼聲,強調「質的提升」及「帶好每個學生」,以達到「有教無類、因材施教」的適性教育,為個別差異較為顯著的學生做好教育安置的工作。補救教學是實踐「有教無類、因材施教」及「帶好每個學生」的重要措施。完整而一貫的補救教學系統,可以使學習落後的學生學習情況獲得改善。 本研究目的希望透過教學研究,(一)、了解日語學習者的需要與學習上所面臨的難題,以協助解決學生所遭遇的困難;(二)、比較接受補救教學的學生在學習成效及學習態度上的改變;(三)、發展有效的補救教學模式,以提供日語教育學者參考;(四)、根據研究結果提出實施日語補救教學時的建議。本研究以量的研究搭配質性研究,採單組前、後測實驗研究設計,進行15週的補救教學實驗,以訪談、意見單、問卷調查等評量工具來蒐集資料。 本研究所獲致的結果如下: 1、16位受試者整體的學習成果提升,補救教學有其正面意義及積極的成效。 2、16位受試者對於整體補救教學表示滿意。 3、經過補救教學,16位受試者的學習態度改善,比較願意積極地參與學習活動。 4、導致學生日語學習成效低落的重要原因是學生不懂運用學習策略。 5、喪失學習自信心導致學生學習動機低落、學習態度消極、影響日語學習成效。 6、日語電腦輔助教學針對學生個別需求,提供學習便利性,可供反覆閱讀,能夠提升學習成效。


The rapid increase in computer use has naturally influenced the field of education, including foreign language education. As the Internet has become increasingly available, the Web has become a powerful medium for sharing information. Students from around the world can enjoy equal access to the many learning resources available on the Web. As a result, Web-based instruction (WBI) has emerged. The authors' experiences in teaching Japanese in higher education institutions have suggested that students, especially low-achievement students, need more opportunities for practice, interaction, and collaborative learning. It is important to find additional tools, such as the Internet, to support classroom instruction and create a remedial learning environment. This study used reviewing literature and research, experimental research, observation, interview as well as survey questionnaires to investigate various learning factors of students who took the second-year Japanese language classes at Taichung Institution of Technology (16 college students) during the fall semester of 2004. All students who were previously diagnosed as having serious Japanese language learning problems participated in the study and received 15 weeks (2 sessions per week, 50 minutes per session) of remediation. The purpose of this study is to examine the on-line reinforcement effectiveness of improving Japanese language low-achievement students' abilities by applying Web-based, computer-oriented, multimedia remedial instruction.


