  • 期刊


Improve the Quality of Medical Care in an Aged and Doctor-deficiency Rural Area: The Tianliao Model Mobile Healthcare Program




巡迴醫療 老年人 老化 基層醫療


Taiwan has been an aging society since 1993; healthcare for the elderly is therefore an issue of mounting importance. The goal of ”health for al” strives to provide sufficient primary care for all the citizens in Taiwan, especially for the elderly people. The mobile healthcare policy has been practiced for decades to facilitate better accessibility to medical care in rural areas in Taiwan. However if we want to take good care of the people in rural areas, it will be very important to notice and practice the five characteristics of family medicine: accessibility, comprehensiveness, continuity, coordination and accountability. The Tianliao-model mobile healthcare program delivered by the township public health center has been practiced for two years for a rural area both highly aging and medicine-absent. Tianliao township incorporates ten villages with less than 9,000 residents relying on one single doctor who is also the chief of Tianliao Township Public Health Center as the sole source of medical care. And there are about 2000 aged residents in Tianliao that reports a degree of aging as high as 23%, far above the average 7%. All these and the absence of any pharmacy make it a challenging task to help Tianliao residents stay as healthy as people living in cities. Based on community-oriented primary care, Tianliao Public Health Center not only provides usual medical service every morning from Monday to Friday but also practices mobile healthcare in the afternoon. More intensive and rigorous than usual mobile healthcare, the Tianliao model mobile healthcare program provides primary care in 20 points for four consecutive days from Monday to Thursday. In other words, two mobile healthcare points are set up in each of the 10 villages and the program needs to cover 5 points in one afternoon. Integrating medical services with public health education, this unique mobile healthcare model carried out by just one doctor indeed improves the primary care for health for all, especially the elderly.


mobile healthcare program elderly aging primary care


