  • 期刊


A Study of Role Conflict and Accommodation of the Married-career-female Physical Teacher


在職場上就業的已婚婦女能夠兼顧到家庭和事業應該是心中所期望的;但對多數人而言,這是可遇不可求的理想境界。在家庭及工作上所扮演的各種角色壓力下,對於一樣是已婚職業婦女的女性體育教師而言,應如何兼顧家庭與工作,值得去深入探討。爲了探討已婚女性體育教師角色衝突與調適,本研究採用質性研究的深入訪談法收集資料。研究對象包括三位長期從事體育教學的已婚女性體育教師,經研究對象同意後進行晤談與錄音,並就錄音逐字稿的內容進行分析。資料分析採Strauss 和Corbin所提出的紮根理論建構主題的階層、類別、關係及概念化。爲進一步掌握本研究效度,本研究利用質性研究之三角檢核(triangulation),由作者與另一位從事壓力與健康研究之教授共同確認所有主題階層、類別、關係及概念化適合性。結果發現已婚女性體育教師在家庭和工作上扮演七種角色(妻子、母親、媳婦、行政人員、教師、教練和導師)。在家庭裡的角色衝突:(一)照顧小孩的方式(二)口味不合(三)隱私被忽略;工作上的角色衝突:(一)影響到指導團隊的時間(二)影響到授課班級的上課時間(三)影響行政工作效率家庭裡與工作間的角色衝突:影響教養小孩的時間。至於已婚女性體育教師調適的策略有七種,包括溝通、不與公婆同住、善待自己與先生一起享受親子的快樂時光、暫時忽視問題、專心於體育教學,卸除兼任職務等等。本研究的發現,可提供相關研究者更多元資料,同時也呼籲體育行政人員和研究者注意女性體育教師角色衝突的問題。


To all married career females, all they except is to take care both family and work. For most of them, however, it is a difficult target to attain. It is worth to research when this situation happens to a married-career-female physical education teacher. In order to collect related information about the role conflict and accommodation of the married-career-female physical education teachers, qualitative research, field observation and in-depth interview are used in this research. Research objectives are three married-career-female physical teachers whose career life are more than several years. After all research objectives approved to be studied, the interviews were started and recorded. All interviews and field notes were used to for analysis. Data analysis uses Strauss & Corbin's proposing Grounded Theory to construct phases, categorys, relation, and conceptualizing of the theme. And validity was controlled with triangulation by the author and the professor who studied stress and pressure. The result is that the married-career-female physical education teachers play seven roles between family and work. The cause of role conflict are: (1) family conflict; (2) Work conflict; and (3) Family-Work conflict. And there are seven strategies to accommodation including communication, living away from parents-in law, treating themselves well, enjoying happy time with husband and kids, ignoring problems temporarily, focusing on physical education, and removing pluralistic jobs etc. The outcome of this research is able to provide mult-information for other researchers and appeals the problem to the physical education administration staffs and researchers for notice the role conflict situation in female physical education teachers.


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