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Exploratory Review of Needs and Use Difficulties for Long-Term Care Services in Elderly People


醫療科技的進步與發展,台灣的人口結構趨近於高齡化,老年人其相關健康議題所產生,疾病型態慢性化、健康問題趨向多重障礙化,也提高長期照顧的需求,為滿足長期照顧需求的增加,行政院於2007 年核定「我國長期照顧十年計畫」,以建構完整的長期照顧服務體系。本研究之目的希望能夠了解為因應我國老年人未來成長快速的長期照顧需求,及長照的服務及持續發展長期照顧制度施政方向。本篇使用文獻回顧之方式,於各網路資料庫進行文獻之搜索,並將其系統化之整理。對於長期照顧服務的需求與日俱增,長期照顧朝著社會保險機制辦理的目標,似乎已無可爭議,如今已呈現供不應求的現象,建議在近年實施長期照顧制度,立法過程中可參考其他國家的策略及模式,瞭解在相同問題之下,其他國家的解決方式,透過這個方法使台灣長期照顧制度能更加鞏固,最後如何有效分配運用現有的資源,使老人能獲得所需的照顧服務。


As medical technology advances, increasing the life expectancy of the general population, and the related aging problems become important health and social issues in the society. The long-term care policy is one of the effective solutons for the elderly society, which focuses on providing services for the needs of the elderly. The present paper aims to assess the needs and provision of long term care services for the elderly based on current literature reviews, particularly in the issue of service needs and use difficulities toward long term care in Taiwan. All of the information is searching from the databases of PubMed, Medline, and Google Scholar. There are many issues raised in the content for long term care for the elderly, and authorities should pay much attention toward needs and utilization difficulties for long term care in the elderly people as well.
