  • 期刊


A Summary Analysis of the Advertisement Context Used in the Four Periodicals in the Late-Qing Period




The Late-Qing Four Major Periodicals are ”XinXiaoShuo,” ”XiuXiangXiaoShuo,” ”The All-StoryMonthly,” and ”XiaoShuoLin.” The contexts utilized in the advertisement throughout the pages are long being overlooked by scholars. The advertisements, however, are a great source of reflecting the time in various aspects possible. This article thus attempts to uncover the inner meaning of which a specific culture belongs and possesses as well as to analyze the subtle correlation between the cultural background and the societal environments. We find that, whether commercial or non-commercial advertising, through the exploration of ”The Late-Qing Four Major Periodicals,” a prevailing societal spirit will be unveiled in the association for the patriotism deeply ingrained in that special era, together with the strategies in operating the art of advertisement viewed as the invisible driving force for the promotion of such writing genre.


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黃克武:〈從申報醫藥廣告看民初上海的醫療文化與社會生活,1912~1926〉, 《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》,第17 期下冊,1988 年7 月。
陳俊啟:〈晚清報刊雜誌中小說讀者群概念的形塑與消解〉《漢學研究》,第28 卷第4 期,2010 年12 月。
