  • 期刊

Within and Without, or, the Implications of the Revolutionary Miracle



列寧在1921年寫道:「就某些角度而言,革命是一種奇蹟。」革命=奇蹟:這個等式的排列組合乃是本論文的關切點。雖然革命是列寧廣泛的寫作和政治實踐的核心主題,但是我的角度不同於許多討論列寧和革命的人,因為我對革命和奇蹟之間的互譯感興趣。革命是一種奇蹟,對列寧究竟意謂什麼?他喜歡稱呼革命行動為奇蹟,尤其在「內」戰極度的鬥爭和十月革命後的社會、經濟重組期間。但是在對革命和奇蹟的互譯期間,他擴展這兩個字眼的語意範圍以包括超過初步重疊的那些成分,這一切使得奇蹟被重新定義為人類了不起的努力。一系列的重要項目被重新定義,尤其是在目前體制內運作和體制外運作之間的張力,這個張力也是本論文在追溯列寧對奇蹟本身 的重新表述後所要探究的。


列寧 奇蹟 革命 合法 非法


"In certain respects, a revolution is a miracle," wrote Lenin in 1921. Revolution = miracle; революция = чудо: the permutations of this equation are the concern of this paper. Although revolution is arguably the central theme of Lenin's extensive writings and political practice, my angle is different from the many others who have dealt with Lenin and revolution, for I am interested in the mutual translation between revolution and miracle. What does it mean for Lenin to say that revolution is a miracle? He was fond of calling revolutionary acts miracles, especially during the immense struggles of the "civil" war and the social and economic reconstruction after October. But in the process of making that translation between revolution and miracle, he expands the sematic fields of those two terms to include elements beyond the initial overlap, all of which leads to a redefinition of miracle as an act of stupendous human effort. Into that redefinition are drawn a series of crucial items, especially the tension between working within and without the current system, a tension this paper explores after tracking Lenin's reformulation of miracle itself.


Lenin miracle revolution legal illegal


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