  • 期刊


The Emergency Management of Radiation Injury Patients


急診醫護人員是核、生、化災難發生時第一時間需要動員的人力,例如組成災難醫療救援隊DMAT(Disaster Medical Assistant Team),而急診室也多是處理這類病人送醫後的第一現場;本篇為作者赴美國田納西州的Oak Ridge REAC/TS輻射緊急救援訓練中心(Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site)受訓之報告分享,內容包括輻射之基本觀念介紹、輻射傷害之症狀與處置、輻射之基本防護概念,最後介紹輻災發生時醫院之緊急處置流程以及急診工作團隊對空間之準備及人員的職責等,同時亦介紹演習範例作為日後急診人員核災訓練時參考。學習輻射傷害病人之處置知識與演練可應用於核能電廠意外、輻射研究室意外、恐怖份子攻擊、甚或核子武器戰爭,建議急診在職教育訓練課程應加入輻傷病人急診處置的知識,而且每年應至少演練一次輻傷病人的處置流程和儀器操作,以期對輻傷之知識及處理更正確更熟練。


Emergency Room is the first place to manage victims. Emergency Department staff is the first line to be mobilized in case of a nuclear, chemical or biological disaster; they often are members of the hospital Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT). This article provides a summary report on the radiation emergency management training course the author received at the Oak Ridge Radiation Emergency Assistance Center (REAC/TS) in Tennessee, United States of America. The content includes the fundamentals in radiation, acute radiation syndrome, the management of radiation injury, preventive measures, the roles and responsibilities of medical team, the hospital emergency management flow process and protocols, and the emergency room preparedness. There is an example of a disaster drill for use as reference. It is recommended that emergency staff receive updates in disaster preparedness and a disaster drill annually.

