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A Comparative Study on Propulsion and Exercise Intensity of Arm Stroke (AS), Leg Kick (LK) and Whole Stroke (WS) in Backstroke Swimming


This study investigated the propulsion generated by AS, LK and WS of backstroke swimmers and compared the exercise intensity of AS and LK. Also, the percentages of WS propulsion accounted for by AS and LK propulsion respectively are examined. Twenty excellent swimmers nationwide (12 males and 12 females) were studied, age 17.0±2.0 years (male), 15.17±2.12 years (female); height 171.08±5.72cm (male), 162.29±5.93cm (female); weighte 60.46±8.58kg (male), 54.17±4.26kg (female); years of training 7.25±2.14 years (male), 6.25±2.34 years (female). An identical subject with repeated measure design and a balanced-order testing sequence were used. A pulley weight system, Power-Pack, was used to deters mine propulsion for AS, LK and WS. Under water heart rate monitor was used to determine the exercise intensity by measuring the changes in the heart rates of swimmers before and after the test. The 100 M WS unimpeded swim time was the time for AS, LIC and WS. It was found that WS generated the, highest propulsion for both male and female backstrokers (6.35±2.19 kg•m/sec for males and 3.93±0.38kg•m/sec for females), followed by AS (2.98±1.08kg•m/sec for males and 1.75±0.31 kg•m/sec for females) and by LK (2.53±1.08 kg•m/sec for males and 1.68±0.24 kg•m/sec for females). AS propulsion accounted for 46.87% of WS propulsion for males and 44.34% for females. LK propulsion accounted for 39.44% of WS propulsion for males and 42.84% for females. From a statistical perspective, LK propulsion is very close to AS propulsion for both male and female backstrokers, which demonstrates that LK, contrary to what is generally believed, is more than just a stablizer in the coordination process of backstroke swimming. Males may be faster swimmers than females and procuced more propulsion, yet the coordinations skills (when doing WS) shown by males and females (13.69 % of WS for males and 12.66% of WS for females) are not substantially different. [skill coordination=WS propulsion-AS propulsion-LK propulsion)/WS propulsion, a quantifiable indicator of backstrokers coordination skill] Change in heart rate is biggest during LK for male backstroders (58.33±13.86 bp/min), followed by WS (58.08±16.42 bp/min) and by AS (46.75±6.74 bp/min). For female backstrokers, WS caused the biggest change in heart rate (67.50±11.74 bp/min), followed by LK (60.83±10.47 bp/min) and by AS (43.25±16.14 bp/min). Male or female, change in heart rate during LK is greater than during AS, while changes in heart rate during LX and WS are very close, which induces us to believe that exercise intensity during LX and WS is very close. Conclusion: Propulsion and exercise intensity were major factors that affect the speed and training effectiveness of backstrokers. AS propulsion is not substantially greater than LK propulsion in backstroke swimming, so AS and LK are equally important in their contribution to backstroke swimming. Further, it is possible to quantify swim skill coordination. More LX should be used for anaerobic training to increase exercise intensity as well as the speed of backstroke swimming.




This study investigated the propulsion generated by AS, LK and WS of backstroke swimmers and compared the exercise intensity of AS and LK. Also, the percentages of WS propulsion accounted for by AS and LK propulsion respectively are examined. Twenty excellent swimmers nationwide (12 males and 12 females) were studied, age 17.0±2.0 years (male), 15.17±2.12 years (female); height 171.08±5.72cm (male), 162.29±5.93cm (female); weighte 60.46±8.58kg (male), 54.17±4.26kg (female); years of training 7.25±2.14 years (male), 6.25±2.34 years (female). An identical subject with repeated measure design and a balanced-order testing sequence were used. A pulley weight system, Power-Pack, was used to deters mine propulsion for AS, LK and WS. Under water heart rate monitor was used to determine the exercise intensity by measuring the changes in the heart rates of swimmers before and after the test. The 100 M WS unimpeded swim time was the time for AS, LIC and WS. It was found that WS generated the, highest propulsion for both male and female backstrokers (6.35±2.19 kg•m/sec for males and 3.93±0.38kg•m/sec for females), followed by AS (2.98±1.08kg•m/sec for males and 1.75±0.31 kg•m/sec for females) and by LK (2.53±1.08 kg•m/sec for males and 1.68±0.24 kg•m/sec for females). AS propulsion accounted for 46.87% of WS propulsion for males and 44.34% for females. LK propulsion accounted for 39.44% of WS propulsion for males and 42.84% for females. From a statistical perspective, LK propulsion is very close to AS propulsion for both male and female backstrokers, which demonstrates that LK, contrary to what is generally believed, is more than just a stablizer in the coordination process of backstroke swimming. Males may be faster swimmers than females and procuced more propulsion, yet the coordinations skills (when doing WS) shown by males and females (13.69 % of WS for males and 12.66% of WS for females) are not substantially different. [skill coordination=WS propulsion-AS propulsion-LK propulsion)/WS propulsion, a quantifiable indicator of backstrokers coordination skill] Change in heart rate is biggest during LK for male backstroders (58.33±13.86 bp/min), followed by WS (58.08±16.42 bp/min) and by AS (46.75±6.74 bp/min). For female backstrokers, WS caused the biggest change in heart rate (67.50±11.74 bp/min), followed by LK (60.83±10.47 bp/min) and by AS (43.25±16.14 bp/min). Male or female, change in heart rate during LK is greater than during AS, while changes in heart rate during LX and WS are very close, which induces us to believe that exercise intensity during LX and WS is very close. Conclusion: Propulsion and exercise intensity were major factors that affect the speed and training effectiveness of backstrokers. AS propulsion is not substantially greater than LK propulsion in backstroke swimming, so AS and LK are equally important in their contribution to backstroke swimming. Further, it is possible to quantify swim skill coordination. More LX should be used for anaerobic training to increase exercise intensity as well as the speed of backstroke swimming.




王 甯(2007)。蝶泳手腳協調型態分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0204200815530993
