  • 期刊


A Study on the Consideration Factors of selecting PE Courses forStudents in NTUST


本研究目的旨在瞭解國立臺灣科技大學學生選修體育課程現況,比較不同背景變項選修體育課程學生在考量因素方面是否有所差異,以及考量因素各因素內涵之差異分析。採問卷調查法,以國立臺灣科技大學學生選修體育課程大二至大四學生做為研究對象。發放480 份問卷,有效問卷426 份,有效問卷回收率為88.75%。問卷回收後以SPSS for Windows 12.0 版統計套裝軟體進行分析,再根據分析結果提出建議,作為校方及未來研究者之參考。結論:學生選修體育課程以男性、大三及大四生、工程學院及選修籃網球居多。不同性別、年級、選修不同體育課程學生在考量因素之人際健康、休閒樂趣、專業師資、教學內容、場地設備各因素上,皆有不同的差異結果。


c Purpose: This study aims to look at the current situation of university students selecting a PE course at NTUST. The researcher compares the difference between consideration factors and learning satisfaction among the students of variable backgrounds in selecting a PE course and analyzes the differences between them. The researcher also looks into the prediction of how consideration factors influence learning satisfaction. Method: The participants were sophomores to seniors who selected a PE course at NTUST. The researcher randomly chose 480 students to take part in this study. A questionnaire was conducted to the target students. 426 valid questionnaires were received and the effective response rate was 88.75%. SPSS for Windows 12.0, was used to analyze the collected data. Some suggestions were provided at the end of this study for the further research. The results are as follows: Conclusion: The selected data showed that the majority of students who selected PE courses were male, juniors and seniors, and from the college of Technology and Science, and Basketball and Tennis. The target students of different sex, age, and colleges showed that variables resulted in choosing a PE course when considering the factors of interpersonal health, leisure enjoyment, coach expertise, course content and facility in consideration factors.


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