  • 期刊


An Analysis on Health Tourism Destinations by Environmental Factors and Health Benefits




The concept of health tourism is based on the relationship between humans and environment. When travelling to a health tourism destination where is either suitable or stimulative, travelers could achieve the goal of health promotion unconsciously through potential environmental factors. The aims of this study were to understand the relationship among environment, behaviors, and health, the theoretical foundation of health tourism, and to discuss environmental factors and the health effects in health tourism destinations. The methods of this study were literature review and content analysis. However, environmental stressors, such as voice, air, pressure, climate, and space, could affect health and induce some symptoms and diseases. The health effects of health tourism destinations were offered, including climate therapy, ocean therapy, forest therapy, and spring therapy. Finally, the researchers brought indicators of environmental factors in health tourism destinations. The range of indicators were offered to promote health. The researchers are excepting to expand the market of health tourism destinations.


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