  • 期刊


A Survey Study of the Implementation of Media Literacy Education by the Trained Teachers for Media Literacy in Elementary Schools




This study aimed to investigate the current implementation of media literacy education by surveying the teachers who has been trained for implementing media literacy in elementary schools. The study seeks to understand how media literacy education is provided, what kinds of difficulties are encountered, and how teachers react to the difficulties. The research findings include: 1. Elementary school teachers trained in media literacy usually offer media literacy education during homeroom teacher’s time and flexible course hours. They consider general studies and literacy courses to be most suitable for introducing media literacy. 2. Elementary school teachers trained in media literacy were obviously insufficiently involved in the teaching of media literacy education. Despite difficulties in implementation, they still hold a positive attitude towards media literacy education. 3. There is a significant difference in gender, age, class grades, number of workshops participated, and experiences of the trained teachers on these teachers' implementation of media literacy education. 4. There is a significant difference in the position of the teacher, grade level taught, subject taught on the difficulties teachers encountered during the implementation of media literacy education 5. The trained teachers of different genders, ages, class grades, number of workshops participated, and experiences present significant differences in their attitude toward difficulties encountered during the implementation of media literacy education. 6. The involvement in teaching media literacy has moderately positive correlation with teachers' attitude toward difficulties in implementing media literacy. However, teaching involvement and level of difficulties, level of difficulties and attitude toward difficulties are negatively correlated to a low level.


媒體素養教育政策公聽會問卷數據結果(2002)。台北:富邦文教基金會。2006 年11月18 日,取自http://www.fubon.org/Media/Item_Show.asp?Item_ID=39
(Abdullah, M. H. (2000). Media literacy. ERIC Digest 152. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED442147)).
Alliance for a Media Literate America (2003). AMLA Founding Declaration. Alliance for a Media Literate America, AMLA. Retrieved December 20, 2008, from http://www.amlainfo.org/about/amla-founding-declaration.


