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The Form of the National Congress in the Constitution Formulation of R.O.C.


我國是採用五權憲法體制,不同於西方國家的三權分立制度,長久以來,對於哪些中央機關相當於西方國家的國會,產生了爭議。本論文之研究目的,即在以西方國會的職權爲主,檢視〈五五憲草〉、政治協商會議之結論與憲法本文中的國會定位。 本文認爲,〈五五憲草〉是依權能區分理論而設計,其中的國民大會,乃爲一有形化的政權機關,至於立法院與監察院,則爲具有西方國會性質的治權機關。在政治協商會議之結論,已將國民大會全然無形化,而將監察與立法兩院,設計爲近似西方國家之上、下議院。至一九四七年公布的憲法本文,已賦與國民大會、立法院與監察院西方國會之職權,彼此權力間無繫屬關係,可定位爲三個國會。


國會 立法院 監察院 國民大會 國會定位


Our country adopts the Five-Power Constitution System which differs from the structure of the separated executive, legislative and judicial powers in the western countries. However such difference leads to the long term issue about what apparatus has the function of western National Congress. And based upon the commission of western National Congress, the objective of this essay is to orientate the Form of National Congress by reviewing the ”May 5th Constitution Draft”, the conclusion of political negotiations and the Constitution articles. This essay assumes that the ”May 5th Constitution Draft” is developed from the concept of the separation of political rights and authorities. In the Draft. National Assembly is a formed authority apparatus, while Legislative Yuan and Control Yuan represent a governmental apparatus that equips with the nature of western National Congress. The conclusion of political negotiations has unformed National Assembly but converted Legislative Yuan and Control Yuan into a similar structure of Houses of Lords and Commons. In the Constitution articles announced in 1947. National Assembly. Legislative Yuan and Control Yuan has been given the power that is equal to the western congress and can be defined as 3 independent National Congress.


