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A Study on the Viewpoints of Managers in Nursing Institutions toward the Long Term Care Insurance




In order to integrate the institutions in to the long-term care system, the government tends to put the long-term care insurance into practice; nursing institutions must face the influence from those regulations about the system. The researcher of this thesis has worked in small-scale nursing institutions for years and strongly perceived that the impact from the change of the long-term care policies may cause the dramatic influence on the management of nursing institutions, especially when the government address the draft of the long-term care services act.The aim of this study is to understand the opinions from the managers of the nursing institutions toward the influences of the long-term care insurance enforced by the government. In this study, the researcher adopts the in-depth interview, a way for qualitative research, and chose the interviewees by purposive sampling. The researcher discussed the issues with those interviewees and analyzed the data to make her own conclusion. There were four themes in this study:1. Modifications of the hardware in nursing institutions were hard to execute.2. Managers in nursing institutions felt helpless to the shortage of human resources.3. Managers in nursing institutions felt a sense of uncertainty for managers about the financial affairs and operation of the institutions.4. Managers in nursing institutions were against the integration of institution assessing system executed by government and they didn't want ”unnecessary” assessments for their institutions.According to those above, there were suggestions provided for the government and the managers of the nursing institutions. The researcher hoped that the managers of the nursing institutions at present or in the future could take the results of this study as the references to understand what they would meet and what they could do in the future and for the government, as the basis for planning the policies.


王亮堯(2014)。掙脫全民健保總額制度枷鎖 ── 醫院自費市場選擇〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2014.00464
