  • 期刊


Introduction of the Global Views Survey Research Center




The Global Views Survey Research Center (GVSRC) was established in March 2006 in order to reflect public opinion by professional survey research, and provide the first hand information for the public by objective analysis. GVSRC executes several extensive surveys regularly every year, such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Survey, Taiwanese 25 Cities and Counties Grand Survey. Besides, GVSRC plans and initiates the ”Taiwan Public Mood Index” (TPMI) survey and release survey results regularly every month to provide references for interested parties domestically and internationally. Furthermore, the team members all have abundant experiences in extensive election surveys. The methodology for the prediction model is modified in 1998, based on past survey experiences. The prediction model improves a 'Campaign Indicator' and 'Candidate Ticket Structure Analysis Model', and successfully predicted the result for each election from 2004 to 2008.


PID Tracking Analysis in Taiwan
Alan D. Romberg.Taiwan: All Politics, All The Time.China Leadership Monitor.19
Alan D. Romberg.Politics Jockey for Position in Taiwan's 2007-2008 Elections, While Japan Jockeys for Position Across the Strait.China Leadership Monitor.20
Alan D. Romberg.Election 2008 and the Future of Cross-Strait Relations.China Leadership Monitor.21
Alan D. Romberg.Taiwan Elections: Foundation for the Future.China Leadership Monitor.24

