  • 期刊


Media Use and Voting Participation: Re-examination of Media Malaise Thesis in Taiwan



公眾的媒介使用與其選舉投票參與之間的關係,一直都是政治傳播研究中一個很流行的研究重點。藉由台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫第四期第四次大眾傳播組的調查資料,本文使用二元邏輯斯迴歸(Binary Logistic Regression)分析方法以及「預測機率變化」此一指標來探究不同的媒介使用時間與媒介使用內容對於台灣民眾投票參與的影響。分析結果發現主要有三:(1)「媒介使用時間的高低多寡」對於台灣民眾的「選舉投票參與」,並未具有顯著的影響效果。不管是報紙使用、電視使用、或是網路使用,高度媒體使用時間者與低度媒體使用時間者,在選舉投票參與的程度上,並未呈現呈顯著的差異;(2)「政治新聞內容的接觸習慣」對於台灣民眾的「選舉投票參與」,具備一定的正向增強效果。其中,愈經常閱讀報紙政治新聞者以及愈經常觀看電視政治新聞者,其會是個「經常投票者」的機率會愈高;(3)從媒介使用時間與媒介使用內容的「綜合指標」來看,接觸「政治新聞內容」愈頻繁的民眾,愈能「有效地」、「正向增強」其選舉投票的參與程度;但「使用媒介時間」愈多的民眾,不僅無法有效正向增強其參與選舉投票的程度,反而會產生一種「負面抑制」效果,降低其選舉投票的參與水準。。


The relationship between public's media use (media exposure) and their voting participation has always been a popular research topic in the study of political communication. This paper re-examines the traditional media malaise thesis in the context of Taiwan's electorates. By using the survey data of Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), this study shows that: (1) There is no significant effect between the level of overall media exposure and the level of public's voting participation; (2) The level of media exposure on ”political news” has both positive and significant effects on voting participation. People who spend much time on reading and watching political news are more likely to be a regular voter; (3) In terms of the composite index of media use or media exposure, people who have a higher level of exposure to the composite index of ”political news” (including Newspaper, TV, and Internet) will exhibit a higher level of possibility in their voting participation, which is against the traditional media malaise thesis and corresponds to the mobilizing effect of news media exposure on public's voting participation.


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