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  • OpenAccess

Gender Based Sexual Violence among Nigerian Widows: Implication for HIV Transmission


The women folks in Nigeria are generally vulnerable to male-perpetrated violence. Apart from political marginalization, Nigerian women are victims of sexual and cultural violence. Widow in Nigeria are subjected to varied harmful traditional practices and sexual abuses. The study attempts to examine the varied sexual and cultural abuses widows experience in Nigeria. The study also investigates the implications of these abuses for HIV/AIDS pandemic for the widows. In addressing these concerns the study utilized a field surveyed questionnaire to elicit primary data from 510 randomly selected women widows. The findings revealed that widows in Nigeria are subjected to harmful traditional practices and sexual abuses. Based on the findings it was recommended that the issue of sexual abuse of widows should not be overlooked if HIV/AIDS prevention is to be effective and that preventing sexual violence and HIV/AIDS will necessitate a cultural shift in terms of gender-role expectation in Nigeria.
