  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Chongqing Farm and Sideline Food Processing Industry Adjustment and Countermeasure Research


Farm products are not only the basis of solving survival problems of large population, but also the main source of rural incomes. This study analyzes the structural status of farm and sideline food processing industry in Chongqing based on the theory of comparative advantage. The present situation of farm and sideline food processing industry is concluded as flowing: little base area of primary farm product, low yield, low benefit and low technical content in farm and sideline food processing industry, without famous enterprises and brands and so on. Thus, the article puts forward lots of measures to improve farm and sideline food processing industry in Chongqing, such as proposing policy decision of overall planning, determining the advantaged farm products in every county, increasing the support of science and technology, building leading enterprises of farm and sideline food processing industry, promoting the establishment of professional cooperatives and professional associations, strengthening scientific and technological support and policy support, etc.
