  • 期刊


Cultivating Inter-linguistically and Inter-culturally Sensitive Chinese Teachers


本研究旨在探討如何培育具有跨語言、跨文化敏感度的華語教師。目前華語教師所要面對的學生是多元的,教師本身應該具備跨語言、跨文化的知識、敏感度及問題的解決能力,才能適時適切地協助學生習得華語。要如何培育師資生具備這些能力呢?有關跨語言、跨文化的重要性,在教學語法裡尤其重視,此領域提供了分析語法、文化等方式來做適合學生學習標的語的教學安排。然而在師資生能分析語言、文化來做教學安排,並擁有跨語言、跨文化的知識來面對課堂裡的各種問題前,似乎還需要更基本的訓練。 這種基本訓練要如何進行呢?對於這個議題,本研究基於湯廷池(2004)在語法點研究和Davis(2005)在文化研究的啟發,認為要培育華語師資生成為語言、文化方面有高敏感度及問題解決能力的教師,應該從自我察覺開始,對我們已內化的語言知識和文化做觀察,進而描述。 本研究從兩方面進行,在語言方面,讓師資生觀察本身內化的語言開始,並做分析、描述,進而做跨語言的對比,了解跨語言的異同;在文化方面,從自覺開始,觀察、分析師資生自己日常生活的語言、行為,然後再推及分析與他人交際時所使用的語言和非語言的表達變化,強調自覺性地在語言、知識以及文化行為上的自我觀察分析,從自我語言文化開始了解自己,再推及其他語言、文化,可提升未來的華語教師在跨語言、跨文化的敏感度及教學能力。


This study investigates how to cultivate student teachers who possess the qualities of inter-cultural and inter-linguistic sensitivities. Chinese language teachers usually have students from multi-cultural backgrounds. It is very important for these teachers to have inter-cultural and inter-linguistic knowledge and to be able to solve problems that relate to culture and language issues. Thus, the teachers will be able to guide the students properly to learn the target language. How do we cultivate the student teachers to have these abilities? In the field of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, pedagogical grammar especially takes inter-cultural and inter-linguistic issues seriously. It provides methods for teachers to analyze languages and cultures in order to arrange the right order for students to acquire the target language. However, it takes more fundamental training before the student teachers have the ability to analyze languages and cultures, as well as to have both inter-cultural and inter-linguistic knowledge to face each language and culture issue in class. What would be the fundamental training for the student teachers? This study, inspired by Tang (2004) and Davis (2005) from their study on language and culture respectively, intends to help the Chinese language student teachers develop their self awareness by observing their own language and culture. This will help them improve their language and culture sensitivity and problem solving ability. The study is two-fold. One takes the linguistic knowledge aspect, and the other the culture aspect. For the linguistic aspect, this study has the student teachers observe their own Chinese linguistic knowledge, and describe the rules of the language; further, the student teachers will make comparisons between Chinese and other languages to learn the similarities and differences among languages. On the aspect of culture, the study develops the student teachers' awareness toward their own culture by helping them observe and analyze their daily activities and behaviors, and then extend their observation toward observing inter-personal activities regarding verbal and non-verbal expressions. By helping the student teachers become aware of their own linguistic and cultural abilities, this study enables the student teachers of Chinese language to develop their sensitivity toward inter-linguistic and inter-cultural issues and enhance their teaching ability.


Davis, Linell(2005).Doing culture-cross-cultural communication in action.北京:外語教學與研究出版社.
Díaz-Rico, Lynne T.(2004).Teaching English learners: strategies and methods.Boston:Allyn and Bacon.
Shou-HsinTeng,Teng(1997).Towards a Pedagogical Grammar of Chinese.JCLTA.32(2),29-39.
Shou-HsinTeng,Teng(1998).Sequencing of Structures in a Pedagogical Grammar.JCLTA.33(2),41-52.
ZhiqunXing,Xing(2003).Toward a Pedagogical Grammar of Chinese: Approach, Content and Process.JCLTA.38(3),41-68.


