  • 期刊


Problems and Solutions of Recognition and Execution of Cross-Strait Civil Jurisdiction




Recognizing and executing each other's judgments in civil and commercial matters across the Taiwan Strait are vital constituent parts of interregional judicial cooperation. However, there is not any consensus law to define this issue across the Strait, and there are so many conflicts and loopholes on their own legal provisions and practice about this issue, therefore, it is necessary to re-examine recognizing and executing each other's judgments in civil and commercial matters across the Taiwan Strait, according to the increasing commercial intercourse across the Strait. This paper intends to make an investigation on existing and current matters as well as the origins of them, proceeding from the present situation of recognizing and executing each other's judgments in civil and commercial matters. Furthermore, this paper is not likely to involve any political relation across the Strait, the author just want to acquire a few available ideas to promote the judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters.


何春曉、安海濤(2014)。善解糾紛,打好“台”球─福建廈門涉台司法工作紀實。人民法院報,第1 版。
張先明(2014)。涉港澳臺工作:司法協助突破萬件大關。人民法院報,第1 版。
中國法院網 http://www.chinacourt.org
法律圖書館 http://www.law-lib.com
