  • 期刊


The Higher Education in Taiwan and China in a New Trend



1987年11月我國宣布開放大陸探親後,台灣與大陸的學術交流逐漸擴大。1992年公布的「台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例」與1997年公布的「大陸地區學歷檢核及採認辦法」都明確的認可了兩岸高等教育的未來方向。2008年我國大選後,政府大幅調整了大陸政策,兩岸新的政治形態利於雙方的高等教育的合作。 在我國出生率下降的今日,大專校院每年的招生是個大挑戰,各校為招學生,無不使用各種辦法,致使學生來源良莠不齊,8分進大學是一夢魘,也是一個諷刺。是以,如何適度的開放大陸學生來台就學,以平衡台灣本地學生不足之議題,是我們當努力思考的課題。


Since Taiwan announced lifting the ban on visiting the relatives in China mainland in November, 1987, the communication between Taiwan and China has gradually expended. ”Act Governing Relations Between The People Of The Taiwan Area And The Mainland Area” which was announced in 1992, and ”The Method of the Examination and Recognition of Educational Qualifications from Mainland China” which was announced in 1997 both clearly recognized the future directions of higher education in Taiwan and China. After Taiwan's 2008 Presidential Election, the government has been greatly adjusting its China policy, the new political styles between cross-strait are advantageous to the cooperation of higher education for both sides. Nowadays, because of the birth rate keeps declining in Taiwan, it's a big challenge to recruit new students every year for colleges and universities. In order to recruit students, every school resorts to every conceivable means. It results that the sources of students are uneven. To be able to enter a university with only 8 points is not only a nightmare but also a satire. Therefore, the topic on how to moderately lift the ban of allowing the students in Mainland China to study in Taiwan and to balance the student shortage in local Taiwan is the issue that we need to think it over.


教育部( 2009 ),〈教育部中程施政計畫( 99 至102 年度)〉。2009年參考http://www.edu.tw/secretary/content.aspx?site_content_sn=903
Sun, W.(1998).Human Resources Policies and Labor Market Outcomes in Taiwan: The Impact of Higher Educational Planning Since the 1970s.The University of Maryland.


