  • 期刊


The Research of Influence in Tourism Destination Image, Promotions to Traveling will and Traveling Behaviors


本研究以澎湖爲例,欲探討旅遊目的地意象及促銷活動對旅遊意願及旅遊行爲之影響,採取便利抽樣,針對16歲以上非澎湖縣居民進行問卷調查,以得知旅客對澎湖的旅遊目地意象爲何,是否有影響其至澎湖的旅遊意願以及旅遊行爲,此外,本研究亦探討旅遊地若採取相關促銷活動,是否能成功吸引旅客注意,並使旅客採取旅遊行爲。 本研究採取單因子變異數分析及T檢定、迴歸分析以及路徑分析等統計方法,對有效樣本713份問卷進行統計分析。主要目的爲提供更好的配套措施以振興澎湖觀光事業,而本研究的分析結果爲:旅遊目的地意象對旅遊意願以及行爲的影響是顯著的,此外,促銷活動能有效促使旅客具有旅遊意願,在未來也較可能採取旅遊行爲。


This research takes Penghu as an example to discuss the influence of tourism destination image, promotions to traveling will and traveling behaviors. In the sampling method, we take convenience sampling from non-Penghu County residents who are over 16 years old to carry on the questionnaire survey to find out whether the degree of travelers' traveling point image will effect their traveling will and traveling behavior to Penghu. Moreover, in this research we also discuss whether the relating promotions will attract the travelers to take their traveling behaviors. In the result analysis, we use such statistical methods as One Way ANOVA and T Test, Regression Analysis and Path Analysis to make statistical analysis for effective samples of 713 questionnaires. The main purpose of this research is hoping that there are better supporting measures to promote sightseeing industry in Penghu. And the analysis results of this research are as follows: the influence of tourism destination to traveling will and behavior are significant. Promotion can promote travelers to own their traveling will, in the future they will also take traveling behaviors possibly.


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